Digital Health Institute Brendan Faulds United Kingdom, Edinburgh
- Offer Digital Health Institute - Transforming Digital Health and Care
Dinaptica Ignasi Jimenez Catalonia, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
- Request attend® Mobile solutions - Enterprise Partner
DisplayNote Technologies ed morgan United Kingdom, Belfast
- Offer Solutions for real-time collaboration
DISRAPPTIVE LTD Ivan Molto United Kingdom, London
- Request Participation in H2020 Projects
DLR GfR mbH Sergi Ginebrera Germany, Wessling
- Offer Technical Cooperation
Do You Dream Up Mathieu CHANGEAT France, PARIS
- Offer An innovation customer relationship
- Request New distributors / Integrators
Doonamis Roger Vilanou Catalonia, Barcelona
- Offer Native mobile app development
- Offer IT Mobile Consultancy
DSD System Bernard Decoster France, Lille
- Offer Computerized Maintenance Management Software (CMMS) SAAS or stand alone
DunavNET doo Novi Sad Boris Pokric Serbia, Novi Sad
- Offer Innovation Projects, EU, H2020
- Offer ekoNET - Air Pollution monitoring
- Offer Custom Augmented Reality development
- Offer AR Genie - Augmented Reality Creator Platform
Dynamically Loaded Scott Sherwood United Kingdom, Larbert
- Offer Hybrid location technology for Geolocation for asset tracking, logistics, and context awareness.
Ecebs Ian Atherfold United Kingdom, East Kilbride
- Offer Smart ticketing transport software products for Rail, bus, metro or ferry
eeGeo Limited Jeremy Copp United Kingdom, Dundee
- Offer Next Generation 3D Mapping
EEN NORD DE FRANCE Kalina Mihaylova France, Lille
- Request Strategic Partnerhsips
Effilogics Technologies Albert Vidal Catalonia, Sant Cugat del Valles
- Offer Energy Management Platform for Smart Buildings
Egmont AS Andreas Størmer-Nilsen Norway, Oslo
- Request SMS
Egmont Publishing AS Kjetil Hyllseth Norway, Oslo
- Offer Dialogue
EGROUP ICT SOFTWARE Antal Kuthy Hungary, Budapest
- Request e-Health: sensor manufacturer, developer
- Offer e-Health: Decision Support System, HL7, CDA Level 1/2/3
- Request MOBIX: PBX with WebSocket/WebRTC/ICE support
- Offer MOBIX: Adobe/RTMPS-based and SIP/TLS+SRTP/ZRTP-based solution
- Request iDServer: e-government service provider, H2020 partner
- Offer iDServer: eIDAS-conform solution, SAMLv2-based SSO and IdP (TOTP, SSL/TLS, OAuth v2.0 etc.)
- Request post-quantum cryptography: academic partner, lattice-based (NTRU), H2020 partner
- Offer post-quantum cryptography: hash-based (Lamport, LDWM), symmetric key-based
- Request Companies, investors, universities
- Offer Technical co-operation
Emobix Peter McLaughlin United Kingdom, Glasgow
- Offer Smart Phones and Smart Connected Devices - Mobile Solutions Company offers expertise.
- Request Smart Device/Internet of Things Product Development - strategic projects/partners sought
EnglishCentral Spain Lydia Fisher Catalonia, Barcelona
- Request Looking for partners
- Offer VAS - Mobile learning
ENO Information Technologies Fetih Saygı Turkey, istanbul
- Request Mobile Rapid App. Development Platform Partners and Local Support
Bilateral Talks
- Participants414
- Meetings Requested3447
- Meetings Accepted1344
Austria 2
Belgium 21
Bulgaria 3
Canada 2
Catalonia 141
China 1
Croatia 1
Czech Republic 1
Denmark 9
Finland 14
France 46
Germany 12
Greece 1
Hungary 8
Israel 2
Italy 2
Lithuania 5
Luxembourg 2
Mexico 1
Netherlands 3
Norway 16
Poland 9
Portugal 1
Serbia 5
Spain 15
Sweden 28
Switzerland 2
Turkey 26
United Kingdom 27
- Total of Participants414
Profile views
- Before Event49309
- After Event1487156