
Antal Kuthy


Bilateral Meetings

  • 03.03.2015 Tuesday (9.00h - 11.05h)
  • 03.03.2015 Tuesday (11.05h - 13.10h)
  • 03.03.2015 Tuesday (13.10h - 15.15h)
  • 03.03.2015 Tuesday (15.15h - 16.55h)
  • 04.03.2015 Wednesday (9.00h - 11.05h)
  • 04.03.2015 Wednesday (11.05h - 13.10h)
  • 04.03.2015 Wednesday (13.10h - 15.15h)
  • 04.03.2015 Wednesday (15.15h - 16.55h)
DescriptionEGROUP (1993) is a specialist software company in information security, secure financial payment transactions and secure multimedia messaging products and services.
Organization Type Company
Organization Size11-25
Areas of Activities


  1. Application development
  2. Mobile security systems
  3. Mobile social networking


  1. Financial clearing and settlement
  2. Mobile advertising and marketing
  3. Mobile financial services

e-Health: sensor manufacturer, developer

e-Health: sensor manufacturer, developer


e-Health: Decision Support System, HL7, CDA Level 1/2/3

e-Health: Decision Support System, HL7, CDA Level 1/2/3


MOBIX: PBX with WebSocket/WebRTC/ICE support

MOBIX: PBX with WebSocket/WebRTC/ICE support


MOBIX: Adobe/RTMPS-based and SIP/TLS+SRTP/ZRTP-based solution

MOBIX: Adobe/RTMPS-based and SIP/TLS+SRTP/ZRTP-based solution


iDServer: e-government service provider, H2020 partner

iDServer: e-government service provider, H2020 partner


iDServer: eIDAS-conform solution, SAMLv2-based SSO and IdP (TOTP, SSL/TLS, OAuth v2.0 etc.)

iDServer: eIDAS-conform solution, SAMLv2-based SSO and IdP (TOTP, SSL/TLS, OAuth v2.0 etc.)


post-quantum cryptography: academic partner, lattice-based (NTRU), H2020 partner

post-quantum cryptography: academic partner, lattice-based (NTRU), H2020 partner


post-quantum cryptography: hash-based (Lamport, LDWM), symmetric key-based

post-quantum cryptography: hash-based (Lamport, LDWM), symmetric key-based


Companies, investors, universities

Egroup is seeking for partners to participate jointly in H2020 (r&d&i calls partnering)
-Enhanced e-identiy solutions ( federation single sign-on). Egroup has extensive experience and product code base in this field, eGovernment, mobile ID federation with operators etc.
-eHealth and mobile: health sensors and mobility
-advanced cryptography cooperation: (pq) cryptography (post-quantum) initiatives (our side) to build new crypto frameworks
-Smart tokens/trusted devices and related technologies to integrate into our solutions (government, banks, energy sector – w r building trusted communication solutions)
Projects where Egroup’s special cryptograhy and trusted smart platform design and implementation experience is valued
VR spaces/ augmented VR collaboration/ core technology partners /related devices to pilot and test
Streaming technology components
(video, voice) IP call centre dev. framework (preferable open source)

Cooperation Offered
  1. Technical co-operation
Cooperation Requested
  1. Technical co-operation
  2. Investment/Financing

Technical co-operation

Identity /cryptography/ -PKI & e-signature;
Egroup ID server and technology -(Authentication, single sign on – federation);
Custom developments, trusted smart platforms
Banking front e-channel solutions (corporate e-banking);
China UnionPay regional gateway