IPR Helpdesk

SMEs should consider issues associated with intellectual property (IP) that may emerge at any Matchmaking event. For this purpose, ACCIÓ suggests you take a look at the Fact Sheet issued by the European IPR Helpdesk, which highlights some of the fundamental aspects which any company should take into consideration, to avoid possible drawbacks so as to successfully participate in brokerage events.
The European IPR Helpdesk also draws a few points of relevance in their recent Brochure for Intellectual Property at Brokerage Events
European Union 2014-2015
  • the URL: http://www.iprhelpdesk.eu
  • the fact that the documents and information have been provided free of charge by the European IPR Helpdesk.


European IPR Helpdesk                                   Javier Blanco       
c/o infeurope S.A.                                             Catalan Ambassador of European IPR Helpdesk
62, rue Charles Martel                                      Passeig de Gràcia,129
L-2134 Luxembourg                                         08008 Barcelona
Email service@iprhelpdesk.eu                      Email jablancol@gencat.cat
Phone +352 25 22 33 - 333 (Helpline)          Phone +34 93 567 49 33
Fax +352 25 22 33 - 334 (Helpline)


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08008 Barcelona, Fira Gran Via