Pictime Arnaud Bournouville France, Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Request Partners mobile solution (beacon, map, push)
- Offer Digital Commerce Solutions : E-commerce, m-commerce, connected stores, social commerce
Pictime Groupe Fabien François France, Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Offer Digital Commerce Solutions : E-commerce, m-commerce, connected stores, social commerce
pixeldreams Alex Mas Catalonia, barcelona
- Offer Développement d'applications web sur mesure
- Offer Development of web and mobile solutions
Plussh Laurent Damiron France, Montpellier
- Offer Plussh, live your life ! Stream live HD videos from mobile
Pop Translation Alexandre Morelli France, Issy les Moulineaux
- Offer Re-writing & Translation solutions
POPSICASE - Atunrojo BArcelona María José Pedragosa Catalonia, Barcelona
- Request New financing opportunities
- Request Design and manufacturing colaboration for limited collections
- Request Cooperation in worldwide sales
Project RAY Boaz Zilberman Israel, Yokneam
- Request Investors and partners for connected car initiative
- Offer Investors and partners for connected car initiative
Pupot David Davidsson USA, San Mateo
- Request Telecommunication operators - Prepaid mobile topup
PureLiFi Nikola Serafimovski United Kingdom, Edinburgh
- Offer Light becomes Data - High Speed Internet via LiFi
qkey Boris Goranov Netherlands, Delft
- Offer Secure Banking Token
qKey Matti van der Gronde Netherlands, Delft
- Offer Seamless banking token
RCM Software SL José Garrido Oliver Catalonia, Mollet del Vallès
- Offer Become a partner of BI4Web (Business Intelligence)
Reach-in Scott Harris USA, Boise
- Offer Physical Control of machinery via the web (physically control devices from users computers)
- Request Technical sales
Red Points Solution David Casellas Catalonia, Barcelona
- Offer Technological solutions against piracy on the Internet & apss
REFAB.BIKE by La Bécane à Jules Bruno Louis SEGUIN France, Dijon
- Request Low consumption IOT data transfer modules
- Request Searching for data transmission, traceability & maintenance suitable for bikes
Relais Colis - La Redoute Renaud JOLY France, Roubaix
- Request Strategic partnerships
reunit Freddy Janssens Luxembourg, luxembourg
- Request Editors, we interface easily your software application to new mobile technology
- Offer specialized in the optimization of the virtualization and the hosting
Roskilde Data ApS Lars Andersen Denmark, Kirke Hyllinge
- Request Support systems for smartphones/tablets.
Rotasoft Yazilim Teknolojileri Münir Ercan Turkey, ankara
- Request Mobile app cooperation
Bilateral Talks
- Participants414
- Meetings Requested3447
- Meetings Accepted1344
Austria 2
Belgium 21
Bulgaria 3
Canada 2
Catalonia 141
China 1
Croatia 1
Czech Republic 1
Denmark 9
Finland 14
France 46
Germany 12
Greece 1
Hungary 8
Israel 2
Italy 2
Lithuania 5
Luxembourg 2
Mexico 1
Netherlands 3
Norway 16
Poland 9
Portugal 1
Serbia 5
Spain 15
Sweden 28
Switzerland 2
Turkey 26
United Kingdom 27
- Total of Participants414
Profile views
- Before Event49309
- After Event1487182