Topp James Haliburton Sweden, Malmö
- Offer Strategic UX Design Services
- Offer Strategic management and consultancy
INCIZE Mostafa Emam Belgium, Louvain-La-Neuve
- Offer Semiconductor characterisation and modelling
Web Research Group (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) David Nettleton Catalonia, Barcelona
- Request Financing
- Offer Technology know-how and solutions
Idean Mikko Eerola Finland, Helsinki
- Offer CX/UX Design
Advanced Communications ( Advanced Automotive Antennas) MÒNICA LLOSES Catalonia, VILADECAVALLS, BARCELONA
- Offer Automotive telematics and infotainment solutions
- Request Automotive IOT solutions
Smart City Expo World Congress CLAIRE GRACIA Catalonia, Barcelona
Smart City Expo World Congress Paula Mèlich Catalonia, Barcelona
- Offer Smart society for innovative and sustainable cities
Better Consultants Miguel Lluch Catalonia, Barcelona
- Request Mobile Financial Services Software
- Request Mobility and Business Process Management
- Request CRM and Mobile Decision Support Solutions
- Offer Customer Communication Management
- Offer Consulting Services and Local Distribution and Support
Chemical Transducers Group / GTQ IMB-cnm (CSIC) Ferran Vera Gras Catalonia, Cerdanyola del Vallès
- Offer Bridle for monitoring perimeter and behavier of plants, fruits... using wireless and mobile devices
- Offer Chemical micro-sensors in sweat (pH, Na+, Cl- ...) for sports and mhealth use
- Offer New mobile devices accessories for chemical analisis in fields as Health, Foods and Enviromental and
- Request Looking for partners for H2020 European projects
- Offer Looking for partners for H2020 European projects
Invest in Skåne Daniel Kipowski Sweden, Malmö
- Offer Advice & support on doing business in Sweden & the Nordics
Ateknea Solutions Europe Xavier Contijoch Culleré Catalonia, Cornellá de Llobregat, Barcelona
- Request Seeking for potential partners to collaborate on 'close to market' research projects under H2020
Berlin Partner for Business and Technology Ingo Voges Germany, Berlin
- Offer Investment to Berlin
Supranetcom (Stonehenge Holdings) Youcef Louadj France, Noisy le Grand
- Request GLOBAL GROWTH - New distributors / System Integrators
- Offer Triton IVR Toolkit
- Offer CaaStor Platform
- Offer MoneyM Platform
- Offer StreamVAS platform
ACIGRUP Ariadna Tous Catalonia, Reus
- Offer Distribute software for hotels and restaurants
- Request Software for hotels and restaurats.
Lextech David Snelson USA, Chicago
- Offer App Development
ACCIÓ - INVEST IN CATALONIA Gemma Arcalís i Planas Catalonia, Barcelona
- Request International expanding companies
- Request Real time notifications, ad network
ubiqua Jordi Serra Catalonia, Barcelona
- Offer ASO
- Request Monetisation
EGROUP ICT SOFTWARE Antal Kuthy Hungary, Budapest
- Request e-Health: sensor manufacturer, developer
- Offer e-Health: Decision Support System, HL7, CDA Level 1/2/3
- Request MOBIX: PBX with WebSocket/WebRTC/ICE support
- Offer MOBIX: Adobe/RTMPS-based and SIP/TLS+SRTP/ZRTP-based solution
- Request iDServer: e-government service provider, H2020 partner
- Offer iDServer: eIDAS-conform solution, SAMLv2-based SSO and IdP (TOTP, SSL/TLS, OAuth v2.0 etc.)
- Request post-quantum cryptography: academic partner, lattice-based (NTRU), H2020 partner
- Offer post-quantum cryptography: hash-based (Lamport, LDWM), symmetric key-based
- Request Companies, investors, universities
- Offer Technical co-operation
Bilateral Talks
- Participants414
- Meetings Requested3447
- Meetings Accepted1344
Austria 2
Belgium 21
Bulgaria 3
Canada 2
Catalonia 141
China 1
Croatia 1
Czech Republic 1
Denmark 9
Finland 14
France 46
Germany 12
Greece 1
Hungary 8
Israel 2
Italy 2
Lithuania 5
Luxembourg 2
Mexico 1
Netherlands 3
Norway 16
Poland 9
Portugal 1
Serbia 5
Spain 15
Sweden 28
Switzerland 2
Turkey 26
United Kingdom 27
- Total of Participants414
Profile views
- Before Event49309
- After Event1487029