Rainer Horn

Space Tec Capital Partners

Bilateral Meetings

  • 02.03.2015 Monday (11.00h - 13.05h)
  • 03.03.2015 Tuesday (9.00h - 11.05h)
DescriptionSpaceTec Partners, a boutique advisory business founded with offices in Munich and Brussels and specialised in space applications, security and mobility. SpaceTec Partners coaches start-ups and also works with European Institutions on high-tech strategies. SpaceTec is engaged in startups as investor and coach, accredited from leading seed funds like Hightech-Gründerfonds and BayernKapital.
Organization Type Consultant
Organization Size11-25
Areas of Activities


  1. Bluetooth accessories
  2. Location technologies and services
  3. Telemetry systems


  1. Application development
  2. Data analysis
  3. Data compression
  4. Mobile security systems



    SpaceTec is looking at investment / coaching opportunities in European Tech companies

    SpaceTec is looking at investment / coaching opportunities in European Tech companies using space-related technologies: Navigation, Positioning, Geointelligence, Autonomous Motion

    Cooperation Offered
    1. Investment/Financing
    2. Other
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Other

    SpaceTec is looking to meet potential co-investment partners outside German

    SpaceTec is looking to meet potential co-investment partners outside German speaking region, to offer its deep content knowledge in space-related technologies like positioning, geointelligence and autonomous motion.