Jean Renaud DUMAS
Bilateral Meetings
- 02.03.2015 Monday (13.05h - 15.10h)
- 02.03.2015 Monday (15.10h - 18.05h)
- 03.03.2015 Tuesday (13.10h - 15.15h)
- 03.03.2015 Tuesday (15.15h - 16.55h)
DescriptionSENSEEN is a consulting company specialized in the emergence and development of innovative startups and projects: consolidation of the idea, financing and project management.
It focuses on high-potential innovation projects, and brings a real technological added value and organize it with scientific content.
Organization Type
Founding Year2013
Areas of Activities
Looking for insights in AI, data mining, big data, user profiling, etc.
Insights and advanced technologies in :
-data mining, big data and BI
-user profiling
-expert system
-machine learning
-smart objects and MAS
Objectives: better knowledge of your area af work/research, potential for future partnership or contracting with my clients or my client's R&D&I partners (direct or through european projects e.g. like H2020 or Eurostars).