Rui Castro
R&D Group Leader
Fraunhofer Portugal
Bilateral Meetings
- 04.03.2015 Wednesday (13.10h - 15.15h)
- 04.03.2015 Wednesday (15.15h - 16.55h)

DescriptionAssociação Fraunhofer Portugal Research is a Non-Profit Research Institution.
Research focus areas:
AAL (Ambient Assisted Living): Fall and activity monitoring; Chronic diseases & Well-Being Management; Assistive environments. Target groups: Ageing & Elderly (including their relatives, caregivers and communities)
ICT4D (ICT for Development): mGovernment; mHealth; mAgriculture; ICT for Very Small Enterprises.
Target groups: Populations in Rural & Developing Areas
Main scientific competences: Human-Computer Interaction; Information Processing (sensors, computer vision and image); Autonomic Computing.
Organization Type
Research Group
Organization Size51-100
Areas of Activities
- Application development
Technologies for mHealth, mGovernment, mAgriculture.
Mobile technologies for mHealth, mGovernment, mAgriculture. Target groups: Ageing & Elderly people; Populations in Rural & Developing Areas.