Pere Botella
UPC School - UPC Barcelona Tech
Bilateral Meetings
- 02.03.2015 Monday (11.00h - 13.05h)
- 02.03.2015 Monday (13.05h - 15.10h)
- 02.03.2015 Monday (15.10h - 18.05h)
- 03.03.2015 Tuesday (11.05h - 13.10h)
- 03.03.2015 Tuesday (13.10h - 15.15h)
- 03.03.2015 Tuesday (15.15h - 16.55h)
- 04.03.2015 Wednesday (11.05h - 13.10h)
- 04.03.2015 Wednesday (13.10h - 15.15h)
- 04.03.2015 Wednesday (15.15h - 16.55h)
DescriptionUPC School: Professional & Executive postgraduate education
UPC Barcelona Tech: technical university
Organization Type
Organization Size250+
Founding Year1971
Areas of Activities
- Education and training

IT in-home courses for companies
UPC School can offer in-home IT technical training for companies, both presential and online
Cooperation Offered
- Other
Gessi Research Group: Project Partnership
We offer partnership for technical projects in our fields of expertise: Smart City application software, Service Oriented Computing, Requirements Engineering, Software quality, Open Source adoption, among others
Cooperation Offered
- Technical co-operation
Digital Cluster of Catalonia Contact
As member of the Catalan Digital Cluster, I can offer contacts with technopoles, tech centers or clusters of other european regions
Cooperation Offered
- Technical co-operation