


Bilateral Meetings

  • 03.03.2015 Tuesday (9.00h - 11.05h)
  • 03.03.2015 Tuesday (11.05h - 13.10h)
  • 03.03.2015 Tuesday (13.10h - 15.15h)
  • 03.03.2015 Tuesday (15.15h - 16.55h)
  • 04.03.2015 Wednesday (9.00h - 11.05h)
  • 04.03.2015 Wednesday (11.05h - 13.10h)

Wazapp is a French mobile agency based in Paris, Lille (France) & Shanghai (China). Our agency provides advertisers with a full mobile application service for the market’s latest smartphones & tablets.

Wazapp, a global & structured agency to promote your brand.The one stop shop: our agency provides advertisers with a full creative application service for new generation smartphones and tablets such as iPhones, iPads, Androids & Android Tablets.

Organization Type Company
Organization Size1-10
Areas of Activities


  1. Application development
  2. Mobile entertainment


We're looking for a spanish partner to develop our agency.

Keywords: barcelonaspainpartnership
Cooperation Requested
  1. Outsourcing co-operation
  2. License agreement
  3. Sales / Distribution

Native App development

At Wazapp we offer the best digital touch & interactive experiences to your customers. 
The agency provides advertisers with a full mobile application service on the market’s latest smartphones & tablets. 
We help our clients captivate their customers anytime anywhere on any device (ATAWAD) and engage them in an innovative, meaningful and emotional manner.

Keywords: appsapplicationsdevelopmentpromotioninnovationaugmented realityiBeacon
Cooperation Offered
  1. Sales / Distribution
  2. License agreement
  3. Technical co-operation

App Promotion

You have an app. Great! how many user?
Wazapp helps you reach more user than you could imagine.
Let's meet and talk about it!

Keywords: app promotionpromotionapplication
Cooperation Offered
  1. Technical co-operation
  2. License agreement
  3. Sales / Distribution

Augmented reality solution

Wazapp create greats apps, and augmented reality is one of our best innovative feature. Ask a rendez vous for a demo!

Keywords: augmented realityAR3DMobileTabletiPadAppsApplication
Cooperation Offered
  1. Technical co-operation
  2. License agreement
  3. Manufacturing agreement
  4. Sales / Distribution

iBeacon Solution

Imagine, when your customer enters in your store, his Smartphone rings. He receives a welcoming message. He crosses store shelves and receives promotional offers. He has thus more chance to achieve his purchases.
No, this technology isn’t a dream. It is just small boxes which it called iBeacon.
Wazapp provide an entire iBeacon solution with an SDK you can install on your apps.

Keywords: ibeacon
Cooperation Offered
  1. Technical co-operation
  2. License agreement
  3. Sales / Distribution